Founders Message
Winston Churchill once said, “From what we get we make a living, from what we give we make a life”. Those words are the core of what we are trying to do through the Lefkofsky Family Foundation.
Even since the Foundation was established, its work has been singularly focused on the well-being of others. For the past decade, we’ve been fortunate to be able to support many wonderful organizations both with our time and our money. Our goal is to have the greatest impact possible on the areas in which we focus our efforts, which include education, human rights, medical research and the arts.
We view education as a basic human right and we search for ways to help make excellent education accessible for all children. In addition, we are committed to protecting basic human rights.
We are committed to innovative and cutting edge medical research, with an acute interest in cancer, as it has touched Eric and Liz’s families directly. Liz’s sister died of a brain tumor at the age of seven in 1974, and both Liz and her mother have had cancer. Part of our life-long mission is funding research to eradicate cancer and other horrific diseases to improve the quality of human life.
Finally, we love our city and are in awe of its incredible vitality and spirit. We also believe that no city or community can truly thrive without a strong cultural foundation.
It is our privilege to have been able to establish the Lefkofsky Family Foundation and we look forward to carrying out its mission of thoughtful giving in the years to come.
~Liz & Eric Lefkofsky